for patients

Unlock your medical images and own your healthcare journey.

Capture, view, share and manage all your medical images, documents and data in one place.


We take care of your medical data so your doctor can take care of you.

Our unique ‘privacy by design’ platform keeps both you and your healthcare professionals safe by ensuring all of your data protection rights are protected.

Easily provide and withdraw consent for your images to be stored and used, decide why and with whom your data is shared and secure everything with end-to-end encryption so only you and your healthcare team have access—even we can’t see your data!

Are you protected?

Healthcare accounts for 79% of all reported data breaches.

Your medical data is more valuable to cyber criminals than your credit card details.


Better information means better care.


Collaborate with your Healthcare Providers

FotoConsent provides you and your healthcare team with a safe and secure way to instantly access and share vital medical images that are essential to your healthcare. Streamline your care by seamlessly sharing everything with your doctor, specialists and referrals all from one place.


Your Healthcare Story at your Fingertips

Upload all your existing medical images and capture new ones. Tag, search and find images easily—no more CDs or searching through camera rolls, emails and messages to find that one image you need. Share them with your friends and family.


Own your Care

Stay up-to-date and understand your condition and treatment. FotoConsent allows you to connect directly with your doctor, who can easily identify and annotate key images—like the one or two important images on a 1,000 image MRI scan.


The way medical images are currently accessed and shared is a nightmare. Cut the confusion and delay with FotoConsent.


Sign up to our Early Adopter Program to start using FotoConsent
